Chapelhay Community Playgarden events 2010

Kids having fun

Chapelhay Community Playgarden Association was set up in 2006  to make the playground a safe, attractive and welcoming space, offer activities for children and the wider community and help build a stronger local community. We meet on the first Sunday of every month 11.30-12.30 for gardening, odd jobs, chatting and playing. 

As well as our Easter, summer and Christmas events, we will be running Let’s Grow! again this year, a project to encourage local children to ‘grow their own’  veg which we will turn into a meal in October. Last year, the children dug up two buckets-full of potatoes which we turned into chips for 25 people within an hour!

All our events are FREE. Please come along to join in or find out more – you are guaranteed a warm welcome!

7th March 11.30-12.30 Gardening and Let’s GrowPlant potatoes in our new patch! Also plant tomatoes etc. in pots to take home
28th March (in place of 1st Sunday April) 11.00-12.30 Easter EggstravaganzaMaking cards, painting eggs etc. from 11am; Easter Egg Hunt from 11.30
2nd May 11.30-12.30 Let’s GrowPlant sunflowers, cucumber and beans in pots to take homeMake a herb garden

Everyone welcome to help start up a small herb garden for the whole community to use. Free snacks to show how herbs can be used!

6th June 11.30-12.30 Gardening and Let’s Grow  – plant out vegetables that children bring back and sunflowers
4th July! 11.30-2.00 The Big PicnicVarious fun, details tbc. Bring a picnic!
1st August 11.30-12.30 Gardening and Let’s GrowWatering…weeding…
5th September 11.30-12.30 Gardening and Let’s GrowWatering…weeding…
3rd October 11.00-1.00 Let’s Grow Harvest & mealDig, peel, wash, chip…wait…Eat! Mmmm
7th November 11.30-12.30 Gardening
5th December 11.30-1.00 Christmas Do & AGM Children’s activities, mulled wine etc. etc.