Last year more than 10,000 businesses got free help at Business Advice Open Day (BAOD) events. Now HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) is bringing its successful programme to Weymouth on 3 August. Anyone running a payroll, thinking of starting up a small or medium sized enterprise, or interested in taking advantage of the opportunities the 2012 Olympics will bring to Weymouth and Portland is invited to attend – for free.
BAODs are a one-stop-shop event where HMRC and its partner organisations can advise on a range of topics. In addition to an exhibition, there will be ten free seminars on issues as diverse as importing and exporting, letting property and paying your employees.
Other seminars include help and advice on bidding for a contract at or around the 2012 Olympics venues and training camps, and making the most of the commercial opportunities the Games will bring. There will also be presentations on health and safety and VAT special schemes.
Speaking before the event Laurence Walford, National Events Team Leader, HMRC said:
“With the 2012 Olympics bringing opportunities to Weymouth and Portland we hope new and established businesses will benefit from the free advice on offer.
“These are challenging economic times and it can be difficult to find the time to visit or contact all the organisations you need to. The Weymouth BAOD brings a wealth of information all under one roof. It’s designed to be an informal and relaxed event and people who have attended our events in the past have told us that they find it useful and leave better informed and encouraged to continue in their success.”
The Weymouth BAOD takes place on Wednesday, 3 August at Weymouth College, Cranford Avenue, Weymouth. It is open from 09:15 to 17:00
Visitors may attend the main exhibition at any time but seminar places need to be booked in advance. For more information, please visit our website at www.businesslink.gov.uk/advicedays, send an email to open.days@hmrc.gsi.gov.uk, or contact the central booking service on 0845 603 2691.
Organisations taking part in the Weymouth Local Business Advice Open Day include:
– Acas
– Business Link
– Health and Safety Executive
– HM Revenue and Customs
– London Business Network