All are invited to the AGM of the Friends of Rodwell Trail on Monday 8 November at 7pm in St Nicholas Church, Buxton Road.
The agenda is as follows:
Annual Reports from the officers,
Election of Officers for 2010-11 (do contact the chairman if you would like to join the committee),
Report on our Sandsfoot Castle Lottery bid (we are seeing the Heritage Lottery Fund this Wednesday morning and English Heritage in the afternoon),
Questions for the Parks Dept & the Police,
Report on Newstead Road bridge and the Olympic cycleways by SUSTRANS and DCC followed by a short illustrated talk on the involvement of local children in the design of Newstead Road bridge by the artist Bruce Williams.
We will also have on display the 1:100 scale model of Sandsfoot Castle, as it was in 1539, that was made for the Friends by Peter LePard.