Is there only so many times you can sit down in front of the telly and watch the same old film and TV shows repeated ad-finitum. With this in mind, the Park Area Community Centre in Chelmsford Street Weymouth is having a Cabaret Night on 25th February 25012. Tickets are currently on sale from the Community Centre and are a small £3.00, which includes a light buffet. You are also invited to bring a bottle! It promises to be a fine old event with a mixture of show songs to light disco and dancing is also an option for those fleet of foot or who have perhaps had an extra tipple for dutch courage. The event is a collaboration of the Community Forum and local entertainer, Simon Phillips. It would really help us if you could purchase your tickets at least a couple of days before the event as this helps to ensure there is sufficient light buffet for everyone.
So all together now 1 2 3 What Good is Sitting alone in your Room……… Life is a Cabaret oh chum and we love a Cabaret.
Question…. What Happens on 3rd March 2012 7pm?
Answer …..Only the Park Area Community Centre Quiz Night! £3.50 per person, prizes, light buffet, always well attended.
Spring is Springing, well it certainly hasn’t sprung yet, but as in most years the arrival of Spring is generally heralded by the almost instinctive urge to clears out all our nooks and crannies, clear the cobwebs, and make our lives as shiny as a new button.
So it’s the ideal time for The Park Area Community Centre SPRING CLEANED OUT JUMBLE SALE. Now if your anything like me you need to prepare yourself for that amount of hard work and possibly build up to it slowly, so we are giving you all some good notice.
The Jumble Sale starts on 10th March 2012 at 10.30. Please contact the centre if you need to arrange a time to drop off your unwanted treasures or jumble in advance. Ring us on 01305839579
21st March 2012 19.15 – yes it seems like ages away, but I bet you it comes around quickly, anyways It’s the Community /PACT Meeting, this time we have Matthew Piles (2012 Roads and Traffic Manager) attending with a possible appearance by Simon Williams (W&PBC). We know many of our community didn’t manage to make it to the meeting at the Pavilion earlier this year, so we have invited the guys along to our community meeting to inform us all exactly how the Olympics and also the Diamond Jubilee Party’s will affect all of us and the area where we live. If you travel by car or train to work every day, this will probably affect you, If you have relatives visiting, this will probably affect them, If you want to know how or where you can park around Weymouth, or where you will be able to drive even around our own streets, then this is the meeting for you.
Speaking about the Diamond Jubilee Party…
The Waterside Community Forum would like to organise a street party to celebrate the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee on Tuesday 5 June 2012, which is an extra bank holiday this year. This will entail the closure of Chelmsford Street from Lennox Street to Hardwick Street between 1200 and 2100 on that day. We would like to ask any residents in the area who would like to get involved to contact the Community Centre by phone on 01305 839579 or email at theparkarea@btconnect.com. So if you have any fantastic ideas for ways to make this event really memorable for all, please don’t hide your light under a bush, speak up and be a part of a fantastic memory for all the residents and their families.
It is our intention to keep disruption to a minimum to ensure maximum enjoyment for those involved.
Every week we run a whole heap of groups, classes etc, we offer free Internet access and free pc use to all our centre users during our core opening hours. As A Community We Sing, We Line Dance, We Street Dance, We Paint, We Draw, We Sculpt, We Stretch, We Play Table Tennis, Short Mat Bowls, We have a Youth Club who over the next 6 weeks do Junk Modelling, Bowling, Fund Raising, Easter Egg Hunt, We have Luncheon Clubs for those who like to Eat, Exercise classes for those who eat too much, & Friendship Clubs for those who just want to make friends .
And when the centre is not being used for these activities we also book out the hall for children’s parties at a most competitive rate with the option of Bouncy Castle, Karaoke, or even Dance Mats.
If you find yourself with time on your hands, come along and see what we have to offer, volunteers are always appreciated, and perhaps your time could help the centre offer more to the community as well.
Look at our website for more info at www.theparkarea.co.uk