WEYMOUTH has been picked to host an England and Wales ABA international contest in November.
Redlands is expected to be the venue for the eight-to-ten bout card on November 20, with Weymouth ABA hoping that nearly 300 spectators will pack in to watch, just as they did when they hosted an England versus USA clash fours years ago.
Weymouth was also the host of an England and Wales Schoolboys international in 1986, and the club is looking forward to welcoming junior and senior boxers from the two countries once again.
“It’s absolutely brilliant,” said Weymouth ABA president David Nelmes. “Any club asked to run such an event would be proud but there is now a lot of hard work to be done.”
Nelmes is looking for a main sponsor for the event, at a cost of £1,000. But that sponsor would receive 10 tickets, valued in the region of £600, as well as an advert in the programme.
Ahead of that event, Weymouth Boxing Club will continue to be busy and senior fighter Stephen Alker-Hall will set off to Bideford tomorrow in the ABA’s Southern Division.
He could have two bouts on the same day in the 71-75kg event, with Luke Wayne (Apollo) and Craig Culkin (Jersey Leonis) battling the Weymouth man for honours.
The club will also hold a dinner boxing show on April 24 (dinner 7pm, boxing 8pm) at Redlands.
Competitors from Wey-mouth, Portland, Bourne-mouth, Poole and other nearby towns and villages will fight on the night in 12 bouts.
Tickets, including dinner, are priced at £35 each.
n Anyone interested in sponsoring the international event in November or purchasing tickets for April’s local dinner show, should call Nelmes on 07899 925316.