The Olympic and Paralympic Games are the largest sporting spectacle in the world. Weymouth and Portland will host the sailing events for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games between July and September 2012.
Race areas are in both Weymouth Bay and Portland Harbour and will be a spectacular sight, set against the back drop of the Jurassic Coast. Being part of this once in a lifetime event makes this an exciting and special year for us. We hope to deliver the shoreside activities and events that will create a superb visitor experience for the 2012 sailing events here in Weymouth and Portland.
Our aim is to give as many people as possible the chance to enjoy everything that the harbour, town and beach have to offer. It is anticipated that demand will be high and if you plan to visit Weymouth Harbour by boat during the Olympic period 16 July to 9 September, you will need to book a berth in advance.
This is your opportunity to apply for a visitor berth or anchorage in Weymouth Harbour. Join us to see the sailing in action and soak up the Olympic atmosphere.
How to apply
•Please visit our website
•The on-line application for berths can be made from now until 12 December 2011.
•You will have an email notification by 21 December 2011 if you have been allocated a berth.
•An invoice will be sent to you during the first week of January; to secure the allocated berth, payment must be received within 28 days from the date of the invoice.
What is on?
In addition to the sailing events, there will be plenty to see and do in Weymouth and Portland during and around the Games period. Here are just a few of the things you can expect.
Live Site on Weymouth Beach;to make a change from being out in the bay, you can view the Olympic sailing in action on Weymouth beach. Live coverage of the sailing and other Olympic sports will be shown on two giant screens.
Cultural Olympiad;a programmeof over 20 events across Dorset and the South West. 2012 Cultural Olympiad by the Sea is a broad range of music, arts, performance and celebrations which will run throughout the summer from May to September 2012.
Festival Area;events and attractions will form a ‘Festival Area’ located a few minutes walk from the harboursidewhere a wide variety of Dorset businesses producing all kinds of products and services from food to traditional crafts will come together.
Look & Feel;for Weymouth & Portland this unique event will come to life as the town is dressed with banners, flags, bunting, posters and a whole host of colourfuldisplays making it feel like a special once-in-a-lifetime place to be.
Torch Relay;for generations, one of the most iconic and lasting symbols of the Games is the Torch carrying the Olympic Flame. Weymouth & Portland has been selected as one of 66 overnight stop locations. If you would like to join the party and experience an Olympic Torch coming to town then come to Weymouth on 12 July 2012.
Dates for your diary:
Sail for Gold Regatta: 1 − 9 June 2012
Torch Relay: 12 & 13 July 2012
Olympic Games: 27 July − 12 August 2012
Paralympic Games: 29 August − 9 September 2012
For the last couple of years, we have been getting ready for 2012. The pace is increasing as we aim to make a visit to Weymouth Harbour truly memorable. Come and share the unique excitement of the Olympic Games in this beautiful part of the World.
Price List for 16 July –9 September and are inclusive of VAT.
Types of berths available:
Berths are available in the Weymouth Bay anchorage and alongside in Weymouth Harbour.
Alongside berths will be rafted up. There will be a daily movement plan to allow alongside vessels that are departing to leave the raft and others to reposition in an organised way.
There will be certain restrictions on the use of tenders from the anchorage area into the harbour and town. A water bus / taxi service will be in operation.
Portland Harbour Authority and other operators offer berths , moorings and anchorages during this time, their contact details are as follows:
Anchorage berths for vessels 15m and above
Portland Harbour Authority 01305 824044 email
Moorings for vessels up to 15m
Castle Cove Sailing Club 01305 787222
Olympic Games Berthing Frequently Asked Questions
Q.Can I come to Weymouth or Portland in my boat to watch the Olympic Sailing?
A.Please do. You are very welcome but you must book a space in advance. Berths are available in the Weymouth Bay anchorage and alongside in Weymouth Harbour. There are also anchorages and swinging moorings available in Portland Harbour.
Q.Will I be rafted up in Weymouth Harbour?
A.Yes, we will be operating a movement plan to allow vessels that are departing to leave the raft and others to reposition in an organised way.
Q. If I leave my berth how can I assure I get my space on return?
A. All berths are pre booked therefore it will not be reallocated. However, although your berth on a particular raft is assured you will join the outside of that raft on return. Anchorage berths are assured.
Q.Are there any restrictions on the number of nights I can stay?
A.There is currently no minimum or maximum length of stay although if demand is overwhelming we may have to limit length of stay in order to allow as many people as possible to enjoy the experience.
Q.Can I just turn up and see if there is a space?
A.No. For security reasons all moorings in the area must be pre booked. Late notice berths are likely to become available due to cancellation, pre-booking will still be essential. To check on availability of berths, please call the information line 01305 838486.
Q.While I am visiting, can I leave my berth each day to watch the racing and return to Weymouth Harbour in the evening?
A.Yes, but you must stay out of the field of play areas and you may be held up to allow the competitors to move to and from the races.
Q.During what timescale do Olympic restrictions apply?
A. Olympic security and booking system will apply for the period 16 July to 9 September 2012 inclusive. Outside of these dates it is business as usual. For both Weymouth and Portland Harbours’, full restrictions in all competition areas apply during the main games period 27 July to 12 August. For the Paralympics; restrictions are for Portland Harbour only from 31 August to 6 September.
Q. What are the restrictions on movement in and out of Weymouth Harbour?
A.The field of play areas (see chart for location of field of play) are closed to navigation from 0800 until close of play daily. There is a route in and out of Weymouth Harbour which can be used at all times except when the competitors and official vessels are crossing it to reach the race courses or returning. You might be held up for a time as the competitors transit out and back from the racing areas.
Q.Can I go from Weymouth Harbour or the anchorage in to Portland Harbour to watch the racing?
A.Yes, if you have a pre-booked visitor berth or you are an annual berth holder, anchorages will be available in Portland Harbour.
Q.When will I be able to find out race times?
A.Planned race times and courses will be published nearer the event but will of course be weather dependent. Racing will commence daily at 12:00. Changes to schedules will be published daily.
Q. Can I sail freely in Weymouth Bay when racing has finished for the day?
A. Yes. The field of play areas are open to navigation after completion of each day’s racing and will be closed again the following morning at 0800. Completion of races will be announced on VHF channel 12 and 74.
Q. Can I come and go during the Olympic Racing?
A.There will be restricted areas but Weymouth and Portland Harbours will be open 24 hours a day for local vessels with a mooring in the harbour or for visiting vessels with pre-booked moorings. Likewise vessels in the Weymouth Bay anchorage can come and go out to sea and back at any time but route restrictions apply during racing.
Q. Can I just turn up on a day-sail to view the race areas?
A.No, all vessels will have to be security checked and will not be able to enter the Olympic area.
Q. I understood the water space from Lulworthinto Weymouth bay was right of free passage. What gives you the right to exclude anyone?
A. In order to have the necessary control of all the water space required for the Olympic and Paralympic games it was necessary to extend the harbour limits of Portland Harbour Authority to encompass these areas which include the bay area formally controlled by Weymouth Harbour Authority. The Harbour Revision orders were formally approved by Parliament on 5 August 2011. The accompanying chart shows the new areas.
Q.Is there a speed limit in the bay?
A.Yes the limit is 10 Knots. This is for safety reasons given the potential numbers of craft in the bay and also to limit wash affecting Olympic race areas.
Q.Are there any additional shoreside attractions?
A.Yes there are activities throughout the period from the torch relay on 12 July until the close of the Paralympics on 9 September. Full details of all planned events will be published nearer the time.
Q.Who is paying for the Olympics, why have the fees been increased and where will the extra money go?
A.Harbour expenditure on planning, services and infrastructure has been considerable and has involved a lot of work over the last couple of years. Funding has been provided by the Government Olympic Executive, the Borough Council and the remainder from harbour funds. Fees have been set which aim to cover these exceptional costs. Comparisons were made with similar profile sporting events including Cowes. In short a cost neutral Olympics is planned with a legacy of improved harbour facilities and infrastructure which will benefit the annual berth holders and visitors alike. If a financial surplus is achieved, it will be re-invested in the harbour.
Q.Are these instructions / regulations likely to change?
A. The situation is evolving. Detailed planning will continue and some requirements are dictated by other authorities and may change. There will be General Directions and Local Notice to Mariners in force. Submission of these is scheduled in December 2011. Skippers and owners of vessels shoulmake themselves aware of these. We will endeavour to keep all customers well informed, please check our website regularly.
Q.How do I get into town if I am in the anchorage?
A. There will be certain restrictions on the use of tenders with regards to size, hours of operation and weather restrictions. Exact details are not yet known but will be published as soon as available. A water bus/taxi service will operate to transport you to and from the anchorage to the landing pontoon.
Q.Are there any restrictions on what vessels can book a place in the anchorage?
A.The is no limit on size but the number of vessels and proximity to the bathing beach dictate that only vessels with sewage holding tanks will be permitted to use the anchorage.
Q.If I am at the anchorage in Weymouth Bay and the weather turns foul where can I seek shelter?
A.We have a plan to accept vessels up to 20 metres from the Weymouth Bay anchorage within Weymouth Harbour in adverse conditions. Larger vessels will find shelter in Portland Harbour.
Q.Will there be a sewage pump out facility?
A.Yes. A facility is planned for both Weymouth and Portland Harbours.